Zero CBD Grand Daddy Purple Broad Spectrum CBD Oil Tincture – 30ml


Zero CBD – Grand Daddy Purple is probably most relied on for the numbing of pain, especially for individuals suffering from chronic pain, which of course can be extremely debilitating. Additionally, lack of appetite, insomnia, depression, anxiety, and stress can all discover relief with the help of this strain.

Zero CBD Grand Daddy Purple Broad Spectrum CBD Oil Tincture – 30ml

Zero CBD Grand daddy Purple is sweet and citrus, with earthy undertones that spark slight glimpses of grape and other juicy fruits. The effects of Grand daddy Purple on the mind and body are possibly overwhelming, but surprisingly not in a negative way.

At first, you begin to experience full relaxation of your body, GDP is utilized for a number of medical conditions and ailments within both the physical and mental realms. Physically, Grand Daddy Purple is probably most relied on for the numbing of pain, especially for individuals suffering from chronic pain, which of course can be extremely debilitating. Additionally, lack of appetite, insomnia, depression, anxiety, and stress can all discover relief with the help of this strain. When dealing with a physical condition such as pain, insomnia or lack of appetite, a larger than normal dose of this strain may be ingested order to experience the full medicinal benefits.

If you are an individual or patient looking to find relief from insomnia, lack of appetite, stress, depression, anxiety, or pain, then Grand Daddy Purple just might be the right strain for you. It combines the heavy sedative effects of a powerful indica with the uplifting cerebral effects of a typical sativa It’ll take effect pretty quickly and leave you feeling relaxed and incredibly good. In addition to the bold effects, this strain tastes like grapes, berries, and candy, so it’s a real treat for the senses as well.










CBD has been claimed to provide a sharp decline in elevated levels of stress and anxiety caused by our modern lifestyle. CBD supplements your wellbeing, both physically as well as mentally.


A good night’s sleep is essential to your overall health and wellbeing. Current lifestyle including constant electronic device engagement and stress of everyday life hinders sound sleep.  CBD has been found to have potential health benefits for symptoms like insomnia helping to attain uninterrupted long sleep times.


Unhealthy eating habits and junk food intake disrupts the natural balance of our body maintained by our endo-cannabinoid system(ECS). CBD helps in regaining this balance by regulating metabolism and appetite and strengthening our ECS


Endo-cannabinoid system(ECS) is responsible for maintaining homeostasis in our body. Homeostasis is the state of steady internal, physical, and chemical conditions maintained by living systems. low endocannabinoid levels in your body or ECS dysfunction can contribute to the development of certain conditions. CBD supplements the ECS thereby maintain a healthy balance in our bodies.


Live a pain free life with CBD. Various researches and medical studies have shown promising results for CBD as a therapeutic relief from chronic pain arising out of conditions like arthritis, muscle spasm, sore muscles, multiple sclerosis etc. cbd is claimed to deliver excellent results in reducing inflammation.



Brand – Zero CBD

Model Name – Grand Daddy Purple Broad Spectrum CBD Oil Tincture

Quantity – 30ml

Potency – 500mg|1000mg|1500mg

Food Preference – Vegetarian

Form – Liquid

Maximum Shelf Life – 24 Months

Prescription Required – No

Pack of – 1

Sales Package – 1 pack

Composition – MCT Oil, Sunflower Lecithin, Strain Specific Terpenes (Grand Daddy Purple), Synthetic CBD Isolate.

Country of Origin – India

Important Information:

Storage: In a cool dry place, away from sunlight.

Directions: Our CBD Oil is best administered when taken sublingually (under the tongue). Place 0.5 mL of oil tincture under your tongue and keep it for 30-60 secs before swallowing.

Doses may vary individually, as CBD affects every person differently. Check the dosing chart below or consult your physician to find the right dosage for your needs.

Dosage: CBD affects everyone differently. The right dose for you depends on your age, weight, the condition you are trying to relieve, and also on the health of your Endocannabinoid system. Hence there is no one recommended dose for everyone, we recommend starting with a low dose and gradually increasing it as required till desired results are achieved.


This product has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product has not been evaluated by the Ayush Ministry. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. You agree to buy this product based solely on your personal research on various benefits of CBD.

Precaution & Warning

  1. Allergy: Do not use CBD oil if you are allergic to Cannabis and its preparations
  2. Consumption by pregnant or nursing mothers, children under the age of 18 is not recommended.
  3. Individuals who are on prescription medications should consult their physician before consuming.
Available In

500mg, 1000mg, 1500mg

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